Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sweet Sweet Summertime

Summer is bliss at it's finest. Lazy days to do whatever, whenever, with whomever. This summer was very restufl. Which is just what the doctor ordered. No, really, I started summer with a broken rib (from puking), mono, a UTI, and a huge batch of bloodwork showing numerous vitamin defencies. I did what the doctor told me to.... NOTHING. I rested. A lot. So much so, in fact, that I sacrificed pool time. But....the good news is, I feel better than I have felt in a very long time. And, I did manage a few trips to the pool, and lake! I am mentally ready to roll for a fanatstic school year ahead. Kyson is looking forward to being the "big guy on campus" as a 5th grader, I'm teaching a new culinary class, and even Bentley is looking forward to the fact that somehow, over summer, his crate became non-existant.

Today was the last day for "our" pool to be open. And realistically, the last day of outdoor swimming in a chlorinated pool for us until next summer. It looked as though it was going to be grey and cloudy, but the sun came out, friends came to the pool, and a lot of fun was had.

To wrap up the "last day of summer" I made one of my favorite suppers. "Pesto Pizza". My basil is in over-drive this summer. I have frozen numerous bags for the long winter, and we have eaten a lot of basil infused foods. This one, however, is my favorite. I simply took leftover buns (from the burgers we had earlier this weekend), and spread some fresh pesto on them, sliced a few mushrooms, tomatoes, and some panchetta. Then put some fresh mozzarella on top. Broiled for a couple of minutes, and served with.... you guessed it.... red wine (for me) and lemonade (for Kyson.)

Enjoy the lingering days of warmth, the monarchs on their annual migration, sweet corn (blog post on this coming soon!), and the smell of fresh cut grass.... because all too soon, we will be eating Potato Soup and talking about homemade pasta (a snow day tradition at this house!)


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